Thursday, August 09, 2007

I. desperately. need. to sleep.

For some godforsaken reason, I just can't fall asleep. Even though I didn't sleep a wink last night, and only caught a few in the morning, my mind is still whirring like a welloiled machine. Probably oiled on steroids. My eyes are burning and my head is spinning, yet I just can't seem to step into somnolence. Maybe I'm subconsciously not allowing myself the drift off, forcing myself to think and ponder, to let my imagination go off to lalaland, while my conscience stays grounded.

I was just thinking, as I lay in the dark. How roses have such a gothic charm. I am, very much obsessed with this flower lately. However, I do not perceive it as the gorgeous epitome of beauty and love. When I see a rose, I think of melancholy, bittersweetness and funerals. Yes, funerals. Don't ask me why but for some odd reason, roses have a very gothic beauty in it. The redness like fresh blood. The sadness as a young bride had just passed on and her bouquet of white roses dyed a gorgerous scarlet as the blood pools around her. The redness is so strong, so deep, so intense, it looks almost black. And the enigmatic block rose bouquet is surfaced, in time for her funeral.

I think. THe starbucks coffee is getting to me. Honestly.

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